Đánh giá các yếu tố đóng góp và thay đổi giá trị xuất khẩu hàng nông sản của Việt Nam
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xuất khẩu, hàng nông sản , phương pháp phân tích dịch chuyển và phân chia (SSA)Abstract
This study uses the displacement and division analysis (SSA) method to analyze and evaluate factors contributing to changes in the value of Vietnam's agricultural exports to the world market in the period 2008. – 2022, based on trade statistics according to SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) at 2-digit level for agricultural products. The results show that the change in the total export value of Vietnam's agricultural products to the world market is mainly due to Vietnam's good use of national comparative advantages. In addition, world demand for agricultural products also contributed significantly to Vietnam's agricultural export growth during this period.