Các nhân tổ ảnh hưởng đến mức chi tiêu chất hóa học trong sản xuất nông nghiệp ở Việt Nam



How to Cite

Dong, N. T. (2024). Các nhân tổ ảnh hưởng đến mức chi tiêu chất hóa học trong sản xuất nông nghiệp ở Việt Nam. Journal of Policy and Development Research, (2), 60–69. Retrieved from https://jpd.edu.vn/index.php/jpd/article/view/43





  • Dr. Nguyen Thi Dong Academy of Policy and Development


influencing factors, chemical use, agriculture


This study aims to explore the factors influencing the decision making behavior regarding the use of chemicals in agricultural production among Vietnamese farmers. The research employs cross-sectional regression analysis to examine the effects of various factors on chemical expenditure in agricultural production in Vietnam, based on data from the 2020 Vietnam Living Households Standard Survey. The findings indicate that chemical expenditure in agricultural production in Vietnam remains relatively high. The regression results highlight several key factors influencing chemical usage behavior in agricultural production, including the household head's level of education, age, gender, per capita income, and the total value of products (TVP).


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